We are wrapping up a great week here in
DC with the
National Prayer Center. It has been an exciting week full of great appointments both planned and unplanned. This week was particularly special because it was the intern group from our home church. 17 young people praying, singing, supporting our leaders and lighting a passion, appreciation and understanding for our freedoms and our government. It has been neat to see the interns turn from wide-eyed wonderment to determination and fervor in support of the men and women that represent us.

We ended up tonight praying on the steps of the Capitol while Congress was letting out for the week. How exciting to see our nations leaders and pray for them as they walk by. Some even stopped to talk and thanked us for what we do at the NPC. One divine appt. was as we were leaving the Capitol grounds we met a trio of soidiers here on the hill in support of the troops in Iraq. One had lost his right leg 3 months ago and was in a wheelchair. Another was a trauma Doctor that has volunteered to return to Iraq. What an incredible sacrifice these men and women are making in defense of our freedoms. If only more in our country would live a thank-filled life realizing the ultimate sacrifice that was made for our true freedom!
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